
Building a muscular body takes time, it takes dedication, it takes patience. You have to find the strength within yourself to train even when everything tells you (ie yourself) to let it go, after all we all have dozens of distractions. Many things tell us to choose the most comfortable way and the body itself …

Training your legs

For those who are not genetically endowed with “thick” legs, the work on this muscle district must be continuous. The body adapts to the function to which it is subjected so it is necessary to develop the leg muscles of exercises in each training session. I propose this series of exercises: Day 1 Leg extension …

Gym mistakes

We can see, hear and make many mistakes when we do our workout. One of the most important is not having consistency in training.I’m not just talking about the frequency with which the workouts take place but about wanting to change the set of exercises every little time, always wanting to looking for the exercise …

Mental homeostasis

Some call it “comfort zone” is that state of mind in which we feel safe, in which we know we can perform a task, complete an action, reach a goal.Everything is fine until we realize that our current situation, physical, financial, family, no longer represents us. When we realize that we could get more out …

Food timing

In the past decades in bodybuilding it was believed (and still is believed) the importance of in “pre- and post-workout windows”.That is, it was believed that eating protein and carbohydrates about an hour before and within an hour after the training session led to better absorption of nutrients and superior muscle growth. Some supplement manufacturers …

Adjust the fat

Most people looking to lose weight want a slim but toned body. Often, traditional weight loss programs focus on removing body fat and achieving less weight on the scale rather than gaining muscle mass. Body recomposition is an approach to weight loss that emphasizes the importance not only of losing fat, but also of gaining …

July’s workout

For the month of July I propose the following workout for at least 4 weeks. Basically it is a push-pull-legs type.Afterwards, to ensure a progression, decrease the repetitions by increasing the load (then go from 12 repetitions RPE9 to 10 repetitions always RPE9) for another 4 weeks.RPE9 identifies a perceived effort close to one-two repetitions …

Loosing abdominal fat

With targeted exercises that affect the abdominal muscles it is possible to quickly lose the fat deposited in the abdominal area. Below I will describe the best for this purpose … Unfortunately it is not so !!! There is no “localized reduction” of fat in any area of ​​the body! In reality, the fat loss …

ognuno è diverso. Dumbbell and kettlebell

Everyone is different

Although we have traits that join us, our genetic is unique. And our physical potential is different. Genetics play an important role for fitness, but not all of us want to become bodybuilding champions or show off on a catwalk (… or maybe yes?). In any case we are different and someone can develop a …


When insert refeed days in a low-calorie diet? Pre-packaged schedules are often used with weekly carbohydrate cycling but general patterns are not always right for a single person.  We need to keep track of some parameters to monitor if the training and the diet that we propose march in the right direction. To evaluate when …